Janet Pinneau
Marriage & Family Therapist

Caring for Aging Parents
includes caring for you.
Feeling overwhelmed
Not feeling like you are doing enough
Distraught about the situation
Wondering how you will keep up
Surprised when grief suddenly knocks you off balance
No one told me that I would be the caregiver for my parents. It just happened that way. There were certain parts that I would have preferred not to experience, and the reality is that we don't get to pick and choose.

I would never trade away the delightful moments, and then there were also those times when I wished someone else would take over. It is perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed and even sometimes trapped.
Having professionals to talk to certainly made it easier for me. Let's plan a strategy to make this easier for you. I have lived it, and now as a Northridge therapist, I can help you with the process.